Shall we start something special?

Regulatory compliance

When you run a business, of any sort, there are many laws to comply with and risks to manage. Knowing every regulation and risk can be a bewildering task due to a lack of regulatory guidance and advice.

It shouldn’t be this hard!

You don’t know what you don’t know

Here’s the question being asked by entrepreneurs worldwide, from tree surgeons and dentists to tech companies and IFAs:

“How do I know that my business ticks all the regulatory compliance boxes and knows all the risks it needs to? In fact, what boxes does it even need to tick?”

Large businesses employ specialists and business advisers to help them work out what they need to do for regulatory compliance. However, for smaller companies, or start-ups with shallower pockets, there really is nowhere to turn.

A start point…

We’re using TrackMyRisks to help make it easier for organisations to manage their risks. The first step is to identify relevant risks. And this is a key area most businesses need help with. Many simply don’t know how to identify the regulations and risks that affect their business sector.

So, we’re creating a full list and we’re also training the TrackMyRisks platform to know what is relevant to each business. We want to be able to provide industry specific advice to help business owners identify the ‘unknown knowns.’ It won’t cost them a penny to use, and the reward for us all, is that the businesses get stronger and we will have made a difference!

Some of the high level risk and regulatory compliance areas we are tracking:

  • Financial reporting and taxes
  • Workplace health and safely
  • Business licensing and permits
  • Employment and HR law
  • Privacy and data security
  • Intellectual property, trademarks, copyrights and patents
  • Consumer law
  • Competition law
  • Advertising standards
  • Environment regulations
  • Insurance
  • Specific industry regulations

Simple solutions with a big impact

We are looking to work with experts from our network who can guide us on specific industry risks and regulatory compliance. Your input, will of course be fully credited on our website. We can also refer clients to you who need more detailed help and advice.

I look forward to hearing from you with ideas and thoughts.